
A person who has submitted a membership declaration may become an ordinary member of the Polish Association of Geriatric Dentistry.

Members of the PAGD are obliged to comply with the Statute, regulations and resolutions of the Association’s authorities and to pay membership fees on a regular basis. The amount of membership fees is determined by the General Assembley.

PAGD members are entitled to:

  1.  actively participate in the implementation of the Association’s statutory objectives,
  2. the right to vote and stand for election to the Association’s Board,
  3.  participate in meetings, conferences, seminars, lectures, and courses organized by the Society,
  4. use of collections, archives, libraries, and scientific materials and advice,
  5.  receive materials and publications of the Association under conditions established by the Board.

Persons wishing to join the Association are requested to download a membership declaration form from the website together with the RODO information clause (PDF file), fill in, sign and send the scan to or send it by post to the address: Barbara Kochańska, Department of Conservative Dentistry GUMed, 80-208 Gdańsk, ul. E. Orzeszkowej 18.

Annual membership fee: regular members – 48 PLN; retirees – 24 PLN; students – 0 PLN;

Contributions should be paid to the PAGD account with an annotation: “PAGD membership fee, name and surname, year”.

PAGD account number: Bank Pekao S.A. PL 55 1240 1255 1111 0010 9275 2675